
Daniel J Dominguez

My name is Daniel Juan Dominguez, and I am a developer. I have learned several different programming languages. These include C, C++, C#, Go, Java, PHP, Python, HTML/CSS/JavaScript. My favorite language is currently Go. I find it easier to work in than C/C++ and yet able to do more complex things, such as concurrency and lambdas. JavaScript is another interesting language, but its scars begin to show after awhile. At work, I use Java and the Spring framework, but tend to be more of a front-end rather than a back-end. I have also worked with various build tools to help automate the deployment process.

My first introduction to programming was when I majored Computer Science in college. I never considered programming, so it was a bit of a surprise when I picked it up. Before then, the most experience I had with computers was removing any viruses that got installed from IE. Mathematics was my specialty, so although my talents tended more towards computations and solving harder problems, I found myself getting into web development more and more, due to the shift towards the web.

With my current job being with the State of New Mexico, I started to care more about HTML semantics and accessibility. It is interesting how the “div” tag has taken up most of the document even though there is lot more to HTML and what the browser can do.